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From promoter to author, Andrew Minott
pens Autobiography: PROVE ‘EM WRONG! – Click Here to read review on Southern Florida Caribbean News
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PROVE EM WRONG! is the poignant, powerful and personal story of a young man who traveled from Jamaica to America believing he would land in the place where dreams come true, in a relationship with a father who was ready to make room for the child he had left behind. But he landed on his own without the father he thought he was joining in the dream, with a brother who was ready to conquer NYC and his own manhood, leaving him on his own journey.
In his young lifetime, Andrew Minott found himself in the military, in prison and in the midst of a career that put him in the center of Caribbean music in one of the largest markets in the world. He started to write the book to tell the story of his cousin Sugar Minott, the unsung godfather of Jamaican music. But he ended up telling the story of a father who fought with the abandonment of his own father and who struggled to prove the world wrong about their stories about Black fathers and their children and their dreams.
Along the way, Minott realized that he’s got some things he was wrong himself, like blindly trusting people, and some things right, like discovering a young talent and giving him his first break.
PROVE ‘EM WRONG! is about following your heart, trusting your gut and leaving room for love and life vto bring success that fame and fortune cannot even fulfill.