
Marcia Griffiths receives inaugural Red Stripe Living Legend Award

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Marcia Griffiths receives inaugural Red Stripe Living Legend Award

Marcia Griffiths (left), is presented with the inaugural Red Stripe Living Legend Award by Ben Sinclair, junior brand manager at Johnnie Walker.
The inaugural Red Stripe Living Legend Award was presented to a surprised and appreciative Marcia Griffiths on stage at Intimate.

The supportive crowd fully endorsed the presentation and cheered when the citation was read aloud by emcee Jenny Jenny.

This surprise unfolded at the end of her fabulous performance. During her time on stage, the Queen of Reggae held court, and so special was her performance that showers of blessings rained down on Grizzly’s Plantation Cove prior to her grand entrance on stage.

On her journey from Kingston to St Ann for the concert, Griffiths was caught up in the impossible traffic which snaked the roadway into the venue, delaying her performance.