A New Home for Reggae – A Bright Future
Friday 2nd –Sunday 4th September
Hainault Forest Country Park,
Fox Burrow Road, Chigwell, London IG7 4QN
I have the greatest pleasure today in announcing that One Love Festival after a huge amount of work and collaboration has finally secured a permanent premises license to host the annual Reggae Festival in Hainault Forest Country Park, turning Hainault into the new Capital for Reggae and Culture for the UK and Europe – finally securing a home for our foreseeable future
We were at Hainault in 2010 and 2011 where we created some amazing times, shows and memories there – this news is Great News for London, Great News for UK, Great News for Reggae and Great News for Us and the One Love Community and we can’t wait to welcome you all back …
One Love Festival’s inception in 2008 marked the 30th anniversary of Reggae legend Bob Marley’s concert of the same name, and remains true to the ethos of peace, love, truth, human rights, equality and justice for all.
The UK’s number one Reggae and Dub festival event grows year on year, and now has no fewer than five different areas. This festival is brings together some of the industry’s greatest veterans, alongside the rising stars of tomorrow – showcasing the very best of UK soundsystem culture.
Being the only UK reggae camping festival in UK makes it a very special occasion each year with a friendly and chilled vibe. The mixture of old school artists and the new generation of dub creates amazing displays of compatibility and sound. (One of this years headliners is none other than Krishnan Guru-Murthy Channel 4 interviewed; Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry the 80 Yr old originator of Reggae and Dub) As the day rolls on the carnival ethos gradually seeps in and the festival transforms into a true Jamaican style celebration.
For all those who love the sounds of the Caribbean, this is your chance to experience the taste too with a huge range of catering outlets providing authentic soul food to fill your belly. Also expect an array of independent stall holders selling crafts, clothing, cultural items and most importantly records, so you can take some of the music home.